Honors overall excellence in the photo direction of magazines and websites
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Stranger's Guide
Kira Brunner Don, Editor in Chief
Lagos, South Korea and Texas

Judges' Citation
The visual tone of each issue of Stranger’s Guide reflects a unique spirit of place.
Fresh, vibrant and lush, this is photojournalism that flirts with fine art.


The Atlantic

Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor in Chief
Peter Mendelsund, Creative Director
January/February, July/August and December


Will Welch, Editor in Chief
September, November and Men of the Year Issue 2020

New York
David Haskell, Editor in Chief
Jody Quon, Photography Director
April 13-26, May 25-June 7 and October 12-25


WSJ. Magazine

Kristina O'Neill, Editor in Chief
Magnus Berger, Creative Director
Jennifer Pastore, Executive Photo Director
September Women’s Fashion, September Men’s Style and November