SOCIAL MEDIA Honors the outstanding use of social accounts by magazines and websites < back to categories

WINNER National Geographic Susan Goldberg, Editor in Chief “Wildlife Tourism” @natgeo on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @nationalgeographic on Reddit National Geographic Society on LinkedIn

Bon Appétit Adam Rapoport, Editor in Chief “Thanksgiving” @bonappetit on Twitter @bonappetitmag on Facebook and Instagram

Mother Jones Clara Jeffery, Editor in Chief “Disinformation” @motherjones on Facebook and Twitter @motherjonesmag on Instagram

The New Yorker David Remnick, Editor “The Food Issue” @newyorker on Twitter @newyorkermag on Instagram @newyorkerphoto on Instagram

SELF Carolyn Kylstra, Editor in Chief “Reproductive Healthcare” @selfmagazine on Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter